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Managing a Rogue Husband

Deepa told me few months back, “My husband is a rogue. I want to divorce him. How can I compromise on this issue?”

  1. I gave her Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy and Holy.
  2. I asked her to do the acceptance Mudra and do the affirmations. Please check the link:
  3. I asked her to affirm, “This is how god has made him. This is how god wants him to behave. With him, there is something I need to learn.”  The very statement may appear simple. But, it works very well with couples.
  4. I also asked her to affirm, “This is how god has made me. Let me not interfere with Divine Will. I am happy to accept God’s Will and Divine Order from today”.

Acceptance will come when you understand there is a divine purpose behind everything and if we do not to interfere with the Divine Order. When you accept, automatically a new pattern of thinking will come and you will feel a new surge of energy.

Change in you will change the other person. We only need to have patience and acceptance. Then alone we can adjust to our circumstances. Life is nothing but adjustment and comprise. That’s the Bach Flower Remedy Walnut! (Take Walnut or chant the Switch Word ‘Adjust’)

Feedback from Deepa

“Till today I feel alright. I have become a new person. I could accept my husband as he is”. 

Naran S. Balakumar: Whenever she meets me, she used to say, “These affirmations are so divine that the moment I think about them, unusual peace dawns on me and all my anger vanishes.”

Moving in the Right Direction

The following discussion happened between Kumar and Naran a couple of years back on how to be successful and happy in both family front and work-front.


Even though I am doing well in the job front like getting due recognition and awards for the work done, somehow I do not feel cheerful or happy about anything.

Neither the stuff at home seems to be going in the right direction. My wife is worried about our children because of their indifference and inadequate efforts towards their education and life in general.

I am not in my best of my abilities. Need to get back to Flowers, Reiki and Affirmations. Somehow, I would like to see myself getting back to my rhythm.

Naran S. Balakumar

It is the nature of mind to keep you either down or up. Understand and believe that you are not your mind. Rise up.

We all have taken birth as per the Divine Will and by Divine order.

Our Family, our Friends and our Environment always teach us. Every relationship is a blessing and we have to rise through these relationships. Everybody is there in your life, as per the divine order and we should try to love and heal them and make them come up in the ladder of life. Whether they come up or not it is their choice. Do not have expectations about anybody. Your children will definitely come up in their life – but in their own way.

Fill up your mind with enthusiasm and believe that everything happens as per the divine order. When you believe that whatever happens is not good for you, chant (daily) the Switch Words, ” TOGETHER FIND DIVINE ORDER BE NOW DONE”. This will put you back in life.

Using switch words is nothing but accepting and surrender. We do not know what will happen and we will be surprised at the turn of events after chanting.

Feedback from Kumar

I have started chanting from last night. It was a great feeling of relief and clarity. I read it to my wife and she is chanting too.

Story of Valmiki

Valmiki chanted Mara, but ended up as a greatest writer in India of all times.

He started his life as a thief — looting and feeding his family. He felt that he was protecting them and doing his duty. He was about to steal from Narada too, who questioned him on his stealing ways.

Narada: Why do you steal?

Valmiki: It’s my duty to protect my family. I know only to steal.

Narada: By killing others you are acquiring lot of bad karma. Go and ask your family members whether they can take part any of your karma.

(Valmiki goes to his family)

Valmiki: Can any of you take part of my karma that I have incurred due to my stealing habits.

Valmiki’s Mother: I didn’t know anything about the bad things you were involved in. Therefore, in no way I can be part of it.

(The other members of his family replied in similar lines)

Valmiki (to Narada): Nobody is willing to take part of it. What’s the salvation for me then?

Narada: Chant Rama Nama, 24 hrs a day.

Valmiki chanted Mara as he heard Rama as Mara. He chanted for many years to come. A pit formed over him. People heard only the sound. When he came out of his meditation, he wrote the famous epic Ramayana.

How to Handle Your Karma

(From Multi Dimensional Healing June 27 Workshop)

What is known as a karmic effect? Karma is not sin as many think. We have to come out of the thinking that we have done something wrong.

To learn something, mind has certain way of operating. One of the ways of operating is based on formula(s) a = b and cause is equal to effect. (B: C>E)That’s why karma effect has come in to our thinking process.

How to handle the present? Coming out of the emotions and be in the present is one way of nullifying our karmas.

When something happens all of us get any one of four types of emotions. First, the situation may kindle fear in us. If it’s persistent it becomes a worry. If problem is not solved then we feel sad. When nothing happens after so much of effort, then we get angry. Our mind knows only these four emotions.

If we come out of the emotions, the present is handled beautifully because our own habitual thoughts and emotions bring in the karmic effect.

Something happens and I react. If we react the same way we act like a robot. There is no difference in results. If I change the reaction – for example, if you become calm instead of getting angry, then your future also will change.

How to handle the present? God provides solutions thru nature. Use them to heal the present. Mudras, Flower Remedies help us come out of the ruling emotions.

Purpose of forgiving

By employing these techniques, we are healing ourselves. We have to categorically differentiate soul from mind. When we want to take revenge, it’s happening from the mind, not from the soul – which is only observing. The soul is beyond all these unwanted emotions.

Conscious mind will always make you think that there is a need for revenge and anger. Purpose of mantra is to correct the conscious mind. We do that help of the forgiving exercise. It’s an art which makes the other person think differently about you. It cuts our thinking pattern. We think we need to react to anger, while our true nature is to love and forgive.

 Janma after Janma Same Story Same Endings

We are always living the same pattern for many Janma or lifetimes. That’s why we have met here again today. I would have taken class for you in my previous lifetime also.

How did we learn our emotional patterns – anger or sadness? We learnt from our parents. We live the life of our parents – who got their behaviour pattern from their parents. We are living out the same garbage.

During the last Janma, we had same or similar relationships and same behaviour and thinking patterns. How can one break these patterns? How to win over the mind and move spiritually? We will see that in the coming posts.

The need for forgiveness and the Story of Drona

Anger breeds anger. We can understand that with the help of the story of Drona – the greatest teacher in archery and who lived in ancient India.

Drona and prince Droupada studied together in the same gurukulam (school). They learnt from the same guru. While Drona was poor, Droupada was the son of a king. But, they were very good friends.

After their gurukulam was over, Droupada went to rule his kingdom. Drona got married and had a son by name Asuvatama. They were so poor, that they didn’t have money to buy milk for their son. They would mix flour in water and give it to him.

Drona’s wife asked him to approach king Droupada. Drona approached the king, who insulted him saying, “You are a poor Brahmin. Those days are gone. I am the king of entire Panchala Desam now. Don’t expect any favours from me”.

Drona became so angry that he wanted to wreak vengeance. He searched for a job. He got a job to teach archery to Pandavas. After the training was over, it was time for offerings to guru Drona. He asked Arjuna to defeat Droupada, tie him to the wheel of his chariot and bring him to Drona.

Arjuna Defeats Droupada

Arjuna defeated the king and brought him to Drona. He told Droupada, “You insulted me. See what happened to you now”.

Drona took the southern part of Panchala.

Was the incident over after this?

Droupada challenged that he will beget a son, through whom he will kill Drona. He did a penance to beget a son by name Drishtithyumna.

So many years elapsed. Just before the great Gurushetra war began, Dharmar (the head of Pandavas) – the eldest brother of Arjuna, prostrated to Drona – who was in the side of Gouravas – enemies of Pandavas, and sought his blessings.

Drona informed him, “Had you not come, you would have lost the battle. I will tell you the secret of killing me. If I receive any sad news, I will give up the battle. Ask somebody to kill me then”. Dharmar passed this info to Krishna.

During the battle, elephant Asuvatama was killed. Krishna spread the news saying that Asuvatama was killed in the battle. When Drona heard this, he asked Dharmar – who always spoke the truth. Krishna blew the conch at that time, making sure Drona did not hear anything except “Asuvatama killed”. Immediately Drona, threw his weapons away, and sat on the ground. Drishtithyumna reached him and cut his head.

Asuvatama Takes Revenge

Asuvatama came to know about this, and decided to take revenge against Pandavas. Pandavas were sleeping in the night then. He killed all the children of Pandavas.

Arjuna made a vow that he would kill Asuvatama. Eventually Asuvatama was defeated in the battle and was brought in front of Krishna. Krishna said, “Don’t kill Asuvatama, but forgive him instead”. His crop of his hair was removed by Arjuna and he was pardoned as Krishna requested for.

Asuvatama got angry and charged Pandavas with Brhmastram (it’s like an atom bomb). Abhimanyu’s wife was pregnant then. Krishna saved the child with his Sudarsana Chakra. His name was Parikshit.

Krishna got angry with Asuvatama and cursed him by saying, “You have so much revenge in your mind that you should live in this world without a company,  with no body to talk to, have no food or water, for next three thousand years”.

Lessons Learned

The revenge acts mentioned above are nothing but the acts of the mind. Isn’t it? It’s the nature of the mind to get angry and take revenge. The nature of Soul is to forgive, love and be in divine nature.

The Forgiveness Exercise

We might say there is some bad energy residing in the house. Hearing this, the house will get hurt. So affirm, “I Tom forgive you Golden Gates Apartments. Please forgive me and release me”.

We would have commented about somebody behind their back. That’s also a form of anger. So affirm, “I Tom forgive you Vivek. You forgive me and release me”.

“Release me” statement is important, as we are habitual in nature and we have to release that pattern. This forgiveness is nothing breaking the pattern – both our thinking patterns and thus our behaviour patterns.

Whenever you are angry about somebody, do this exercise. We have to chant like a mad person until relationship becomes good. In the last Janma we would have fought with them or others and so we repeat the same pattern. The persons are different and the events are different, but the emotions remain the same.

You can do this for good relationships too. The relationships will be strengthened in the process.

Dare 2 Do IT! (The forgiveness exercise)

The Besant Nagar Laughter Club followed this technique. They found it very helpful to them.

Never Its Late To Teach Moral Stories

A Modern Day Mother’s Story to Her Child


My son is studying in VII standard.

I am always worried about him. He does not listen to us – parents. Even at this age, his anger is terrible. Suppose we scold him, he shouts back saying, “You are not my mother. I will go and stay in my friend’s house”. He does not read his lessons, getting bad remarks from the school. He is lying and he tries to dupe me.


Have you ever told Puranic stories and Moral Stories to your child in the age between five and seven?


No. At that age, he only saw Superman and Spiderman in T.V.


This is the problem of the modern day parents. We never tell our children any moral stories when they grow up. The children are always fond of stories. There is no grandmother or grandfather around to tell them the stories.

Children, if they listen to stories, they will grow better – morally and mentally.


Now what I can do? Is there any way I rectify the situation?


Yes definitely, instead of brooding or worrying you take the tapping picture, write your son’s name and tap on the points while reading moral story of your choice. Do one story for 21 days and see how he improves.

By tapping like this both the healer (mother) and healed (son) are benefited.