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Meet your commitments to your body

From the “I Love Myself” Workbook

Do the following exercise

  • What should you eat and what you should not eat.  Make a list and follow that to the core.

Sometimes body does not accept certain types of food. Yet, we try to eat the same food again and again.

Instead you have to prepare a list of items which you can eat and list out all those which your body does not accept.

When you prepare the list you are giving a commitment to your body and you need to follow that.

  • Another thing is that whatever ways you behave outside we behave in the same manner with the body too. “I should not say this because the other person will be wounded”. Thinking like this, to please him, we tell a lie.

When you can’t meet a commitment, don’t make one

Suppose someone invites us for wedding. To please him we say that we will come definitely. But, we do not go to the wedding at all. I have also committed such mistakes.

Later on I found out that when I say something it is not a commitment to that person but it is a commitment to the God. I questioned myself, “Am I cheating the universe”?

Then I decided to tell the truth. If I am able to go I will say yes. Otherwise, I will say that I will not be able to make it.

Like that if you tell me that you are meeting me next week then it means that you are not making a commitment to me but you are committing to the Universe.

Commitment to our body

If one food is not being accepted by the body, we tell that I should not eat this food again. This is a commitment that you are giving to the Universe.

Next time when we eat that food again then we are breaking our own commitment.

The Universe is always watching all of us because it is the web of life. If I have to get my food at 1 p.m., it is already decided that it will come from a particular person.

By restraining yourself by not eating certain food, you are honoring your own body.

Love is the True Reality

(Extracted From the book – ‘I Love Myself Workbook’)

  1. Reflect on this – ‘Love is the True Reality’.
  2. Ask the questions, “Why” and “How”.
  3. Think why and how.
  4. When you ask the question “Why”, you must get an answer.
  5. Then ask the other question “How”?

Why and How Love is the true reality?

You have to do them leisurely. You must ask the question – “Why love is the true reality?” All of us want to be loved first. At that time, self is longing for love. If you see the world, you will know how it has become true.

To understand essence of “I love myself” I have given you this exercise.

We are all connected

We are having our lunch, that food is cooked by some body, somebody is ordering this food. So how many people’s energy is there in the food?

 Somebody is ordering the food to the owner. So he is also connected with the food.

It is connected to the cook, and the packers.

It is connected to the transporter who brings the food.

If he has to come here, there should be a road which is laid by somebody and therefore it is connected to that person.

What is the menu? Let us say rice, and chapatti. So there is rice, wheat, oil etc. Wheat is grown by somebody and sold by somebody.

From there, who brings the wheat and rice to the public?

Not make me feel hungry, so many people are working and so many people are connected. It is the intention of the divine that you should not go hungry which made so many people to work for you.

Do everything with Love

So that is the reality. Whether all of them work with love or not, is a different question!

But what is the motivating factor behind all their work. Is it Divine the motivating force or the love of the Divine that is making all these people work for you?

 We pay the price for this. So you pay it with gratitude. Instead we try to bargain when we want to pay someone. When we go to big shops we pay whatever they say. However, when a person brings green vegetables to our home, we bargain.

It happens because of Love

If we understand “Love is true reality” we will not make such mistakes. Everything is moved in this world because of love. Nothing else other than love moves this world.

If we know this, we definitely will start giving love and we will be definitely be loved by all.

Everything is connected with the web of life – the Divine Web of Love.

We ignore our body, yet it loves us

When a child is born, the date and time is fixed by the Divine.

All the organs of the body, what do they do? They work properly for some time. If we commit some mistake the organ gives us some pain. But it will somehow try to help us.

So, if the body is not there, we are not here. However, we are not giving respect to the body that it deserves. This includes me too.

If we understand that love is the true reality, we can understand how much our body loves us. Somehow it balances, in spite of our mistakes.

You Can Change Your Spouse

Ms. M

My husband has been having extra marital affairs with many women (about 14 to date) for the past 12 years. He gets into a rage when I question him. He sees 3 women on diff days. He makes me miserable and depressed.

He runs his own business. All his customers/friends cover up and book the hotels on their name for him. He tells me he is at a meeting but goes and sleeps with women.

He has divorced me last year and blames me all the time but we are living together for my kids’ sake. He compares me to other women and makes me insecure. He tells me that he can find many super models and sleep with them and I can’t do anything because we are divorced.

I got nothing; I resigned from work last year because I had a nervous breakdown. He is having a complete makeover even to the extent of skin whitening. My in-laws hate me and they’ve been doing black magic to me because they want everything I worked hard for. They are responsible for him being that way. They encourage him to do wrong and they turn my kids against me. My mother-in-law puts things in the food for us to fight but my ex doesn’t see it.

I pray so hard for all those women to get caught with him but I feel I’m not winning. All I want is my husband, kids, peace and happiness back. He must stop sleeping around. Pls help me.


Don’t see anything outside. See within.

Address your emotions. The same emotional state will bring the same results outside. Without changing your state of mind, you cannot affect an iota of change outside in anybody.

Only higher emotions like forgiveness, love will help you.

Your present emotional state, every second alters your inside chemistry and your nervous breakdown vindicates that.

When do our nerves (communication channel) break down? When you ignore the message of the body? You have a nervous breakdown because you are unable to bear what is happening around you.

But your body wants you “to bear”, to endure”. Endurance only will bring in what you want.

Having vengeance will bring in more vengeance. Having hatred will make others hate you more.

“Can they not be taught a lesson?” This thought will teach “you” a lesson.

“Will they not change?” The body asks back to you, “Will you not change?”

“Will I not win?” Win yourself first. Win your emotions and thoughts first. Evolve with higher emotions. You will win.

Life is not a war to win or lose. Life is love – giving and receiving – transaction of love. Give even when you don’t receive. Think anything as an issue to be handled with love. Bring peace to the war going on within.

This alone will help you. Concentrate on something else.

Chant “QUIET MIND, OPEN HEART, RELAX”, daily 1000 times.

To Create a Better Future Look Back and Not Forward

When you do the healing, you heal your goals. For example, you may chant the Ambika mantra on behalf of your children, isn’t it?

Yes children are our FUTURE. If they do well then it means we have done well too.

Children are our future, which means we are the PRESENT. Then who is our past?

It is our parents. Parents are our PAST.

You heal your present to heal your future. In the same way, when you heal your PAST – your parents – you heal your PRESENT, and in turn your FUTURE – yours as well as your children.

Therefore, to create a better future, don’t look forward, but look back. It is a safer and a better solution than you have so far followed in your life.

I Deserve Respect

How to deserve more respect in your life?

Do the following:

1.       Reflect on your life. How much respect you are giving to others?

2.       Are you able to respect one and all?

Weigh the amount of respect you give to others

Reflect on your life and find out how much respect you are giving to others.

What is the meaning of respect? It is not that you should get up from the chair, when someone comes. It is the humanitarian aspect, I am talking about.

A millionaire shows his respect to his driver, a case history

I received an email recently. A person was working as a driver for a multi-millionaire in Pune, for more than 30 years.

When the boss was in Mumbai he received a message that his driver passed away. He replied asking not to dispose of the driver’s body until he arrives at the funeral proceedings. After reaching Pune, the millionaire put the driver’s body in his car, and he drove the car himself to the burial ground.

This, I would call showing the right RESPECT.

Roles do not define a person

We are always playing different roles. I deserve respect means, as a human being I need respect and not for the role I am playing.

If you are an MD of a corporate then anybody will give you respect. We find the same situation in government offices. A peon will be saluting to his officer until he retires. But, when the officer retires and comes back to the office to draw his pension that time the peon will not even bother to have a look at him.

To know the equality of a human being is respect. But what we generally do? We say, “He is a cleaner”, or “He is a driver” and keep people at a distance. However, by keeping them at a distance we are preventing ourselves from the flow of love.

How to give respect to others

1.       You think in these aspects and find where all we expect respect.

2.       ‘All humans are equal’ is the only way we can give respect and take respect. Find out whether we can give respect to all, this way.

Treat everybody humanly

If you think the other person is my husband/wife then only quarrel will be present. Instead, if you think that the other person is also a human being then we will start giving them love and respect.

 If you get the understanding that you and I are one, then only love will start pouring in our lives. Only that attitude will bring more love for you. In addition, you will find more time to love yourselves.

Getting Ready for the Next Job

Reply to Suja by Naran S. Balakumar

Read your mail.

You have not received a job offer yet, in spite of having completed your post-graduation as a rank holder nine months ago. I know that you have done your diploma in Business Management too.  Congratulations!

You have mentioned that you are feeling frustrated, dejected, getting angry, as well as blaming god and others for your situation. Given the situation this is the normal reaction we can expect from anyone.

Think Differently

What did you learn in your Management course? One has to think differently to find a solution. Therefore, think differently. Find out whether your thoughts and feelings are energizing you or they are draining you. These feelings will not only keep you in the same state of not getting a job, but will make your life stagnate too.

Get Into the State of Employment  

Since you are a mathematics student, I will explain this in the form of a mathematical equation.

X = Y + 10, where X is the event of not getting a job and Y is your present state of mind. You do not have a direct influence over X. But, you can change Y into Y-1 or Y-2., which will in turn affect and change X. I mean, if you change your state of mind (Y), X cannot remain the same. Because Y has changed, X has to change too. Thus a state of unemployment will change into a state of employment. 

Utilize the Lean Period

Think differently. You have to utilize this dark period. Accept that this period is necessary for you. May be the learning is not yet over for you. Academically it may be over. But, learning has to be continued. Learn something new in this period. You need not pay for a course. You can pick up lot of stuff from Internet. Learn something more about subjects that are allied to your specialisation. Enjoy the interviews that come your way. You will learn what you don’t know. Fill up those gaps. Learn to listen.

Increase your self-esteem

You can learn a lot by observing people. Learn to understand your existing relationships – with your family members, friends, and relatives. Move with them closely, express and communicate with love as if you were meeting them for the first time and as though this would be the last time you are going to meet them. Contribute something to them lovingly. Help them in any manner you can. It need not be financial. This will boost your self-confidence and enthusiasm. Normally one feels confident and enthusiastic only after getting the job. Now, you are acquiring this state before getting the job.

Period of Relaxation

This will also make you a better person. You will learn how to relate to your colleagues and superiors. When you are ready to learn anything new, then this period would become a period of relaxation, instead of a period of frustration.

Self-Mastery is the Key

Learn about yourself. Understanding your mental state will be highly beneficial. Write a journal of the emotions you are feeling for one week. Also write about your reactions to events as well as your behavior. Watch your emotions and thought patterns. Put everything in writing. To your surprise, you will find a pattern in your behavior. This is your mental state in the past. This is going to be the mental state for your future if you don’t make changes to yourself. Circumstances may change. Events may change. But this is you.

Fulfillment At last

Therefore, utilize this period to effect a change where necessary. Release what you don’t need and develop more what you need. This self-rectification will help you in self-actualization. Self-actualization is nothing but self-fulfillment in life. Job is offered by god. The employer is only a tool. God is your employer. He will always do what is right and is required by you.


Best of luck

Naran S Balakumar

Detoxify Your Body

What is detoxification?

First let us find out how toxins are formed inside. We are collecting toxins from the environment. What toxins are collected from environment? We collect toxins from air environment, and pollution.

We are so many people sitting here and each of us is collecting something at any point of time. We are all collecting unwanted things. However, we are not able to collect what we want!!! These are all toxins. Whenever 40 – 50 people meet, you will be inhaling toxins.

All the medicines we take are toxins. The food we take is a toxin because even after digestion so many toxins are produced. The body is a chemical factory and whatever we take, has to be converted to glucose. Protein will be used for body building and glucose is the energy. What is blood circulation? The blood circulates in each and every organ and each and every cell takes in oxygen and glucose.

The case with diabetics

Diabetes affected persons will be using vigorously the resources of Pancreas. But liver is very important too. Allopathy never takes care of the liver. They totally ignore it. Liver increases the glucose when carbohydrates are increased in the system. If glucose is in excess, it converts it into glycogen. This conversion cycle of glucose into glycogen has to be done by Pancreas.

People who have sugar problem cannot get over their problem if they are not addressing their liver. Therefore, liver is important enough to be taken care of.

After digestion what happens?

Why is the liver so important? 75% of the blood circulation inside the liver is venous blood, and carbon dioxide blood, which has only toxins. After digestion all the toxins and waste materials will come to liver only. The liver bifurcate the toxins and directs them to kidneys, skin, lungs, and large intestine.

The liver does not function well after taking chemical food, hotel food, and junk food. It starts sagging. Its capacity is reduced.

What happens if the capacity of liver is reduced?

The toxins are bad company and we should not mingle with them. None of us will allow our children to be in the bad company, right? We also will not allow a person, who is not good, to come near us.

What will these toxins do? It circulates in the blood and mixes with the cells and changes the mind of the cell. What is that? It tells the cells, “If you receive any command, do not listen to them”. Toxins are a bad company and it acts like that only.

How tumor is formed?

What process goes on in the body? Every second old cells die and it is replaced by new cells. To enable the process to continue, when the time comes the old cells will receive the command, “You have to die”. The moment certain cells die, four cells come, to dispose of the dead cells. Like when we die four people carry our dead body. The same thing happens inside us. The moment the cell dies then four cells travel to that place, carry the dead cell, and it is excreted through the body.

The old cells, at the time of death, are supposed to receive the command “Die” and they have to die. When there are too much of toxins in the blood, some cells ignore the command or they will act as if they have not received the command. Those old cells, which are ignoring the command, will not die. If those old cells do not die, they will multiply and form into a tumor.

How to let the old cells die?

Now what is the reason for the tumor? The old cells do not receive the command, to perform this process and they will have to be helped. If this process has to go on continuously, (switch word) TOGETHER is the mantra. And we will not know inside our body, whether the old cells have died or not. So how to take these cells which do not die and what is the switch word for this?

We have to give the command “Die” to the old undead cells, if there is any. These are the ones which form into benign tumor or cancer.

For cancer, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE CANCEL OLD Undead Cells FIND New Cells”. This has to be chanted daily many number times. By this you are giving the command to your own body.

CANCEL means to delete, to destroy, and to put an end. CANCEL is a very important word for destroying the tumor and cancer cells.

70 Days Programme for Finding a Good Life Partner

Affirmations for finding your life partner – read the instructions after the list of affirmations

1.      God, the loving omnipresent, the all-providing source of all relationships is individualized in me.

2.      I elevate my mind and heart to understand that Divine Presence I AM is the source of all my relationships.

3.      I am conscious of the Divine Presence as my life partner.  I am also conscious of the constant activity of this higher mind of infinite love.  My consciousness is filled with this Truth.

4.      Through my consciousness of my Divine-self – My source of love – I draw and fill up my thoughts and emotions with the omnipresent Divine love.

5.      I am aware, I understand and know that the all-providing Divine mind manifests as my life partner at the right time.  My trust in this truth is guiding me.

6.      My Divine mind works instantly constantly according to my needs and desires and with the Divine love operating through me, I remain always fulfilled… and every desire of mine is fulfilled.

7.      The Divine love that I am, is forever expressing its nature of Abundant happiness.  My getting the life partner is the responsibility of the Divine Presence within.  I am totally confident in letting go all my worries and letting God appear as the life partner in my life.

8.      My awareness of the spirit within me as the source of my love is making my life new, lifting me up from the past.  I experience this Divine love manifesting in all walks of my life.

9.      Since I am aware that God-self is the only relation, I am totally fulfilled.  I have found the secret of life and now I relax with the belief that Divine love is eternally operating in my life.  I Continue to be aware of this flow of Divine love which is continuously easily pouring from my Divine consciousness.

10.  My entire focus is on God within, the only relation in my life.  The god – within is active in all my affairs and I see the Divine principle in action on my behalf.

Instructions for doing this 70 days exercise

1.      In 1st cycle of 10 days – write one affirmation one day for 10 days. That is you will be writing 10 affirmations for 10 days.

2.      Leave a gap of 10 days, that is do not write the affirmation and just contemplate/meditate on the affirmation (for the day) for 10 days. Write the switch words, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE PARTNER” 100 times daily

3.      In second cycle of 10 days – write one affirmation one day for 10 days. That is you will be writing 10 affirmations for 10 days.

4.      Leave a gap of 10 days, that is do not write the affirmation and just contemplate/meditate on the affirmation (for the day) for 10 days. Write the switch words, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE PARTNER” 100 times daily

5.      In third cycle of 10 days – write one affirmation one day for 10 days. That is you will be writing 10 affirmations for 10 days.

6.      Leave a gap of 10 days, that is do not write the affirmation and just contemplate/meditate on the affirmation (for the day) for 10 days. Write the switch words, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE PARTNER” 100 times daily

7.      In fourth cycle of 10 days – write one affirmation one day for 10 days. That is you will be writing 10 affirmations for 10 days.

Please ensure that this exercise is done daily on regular basis and if you miss this even on one day you have to restart the programme from the beginning.

I am loved (by all)


Suja (name changed) asked me at the end of the workshop “I Love Myself”, whether she can pay a visit to her paternal uncle’s place. She was invited for a housing ceremony. She had some apprehensions because, her visits to her uncle’s always created tension and disharmony.

I told her it’s alright to go. If she faces any problems she can always leave the function midway.

She finished the workshop and did all the mental exercises I asked the participants to do. At the end of the workshop, I told the participants to complete all the exercises that they didn’t do in the class, within a week from the day of the workshop.

Somehow, Suja felt that she should at least do one exercise on the same day of the workshop and the day before she attends the function on Sunday. She picked the first one in the workbook, under the affirmation” I AM LOVED”. Instead of doing the exercises, she simply chanted the affirmation for more than an hour.

On Sunday, she visited her uncle’s house along with her husband. During the function one of her relatives lost six thousand rupees. Somebody stole it from him. The servant who works for her uncle was suspected of taking the money, though it couldn’t be proved.

During this commotion, Suja silently chanted the Bach Flower Remedies, “ROCK WATER and CHESTNUTBUD” – a good combination when you lose something.  Within an hour, her uncle was able to get a confession from his servant, as well as the money that she stole.

Her uncle asked Suja what she was doing during the commotion as she was seemed to be in a trance the whole time. She replied that she was chanting the name of flower remedies. He was happy to hear this and his family, friends and relatives too. They openly complimented her for her selfless efforts. On hearing it, she got elated and felt loved.

I came to know the whole story through her husband who thought I am the reason for the appreciation she received from her relatives, who were always ill-treating her.


She picked the one affirmation from the workbook, which was the need for the hour. And what made her to pick that? It was picked by that part of her mind that was activated because she did all the exercises sincerely. She is one of my students who religiously do whatever I tell them to do. Interestingly even though she was listening to the “I Love Myself” CD for more than a month, only after doing the exercises she was able to tap the resource that helped her to receive the love that she expecting from her uncle.

Lessons Learned

For some issues, you will find solution easily. Even for issues that are pending to be resolved for several years can be resolved easily by following a simple technique. However, some other issue mayn’t die down easily. You need to do a lot of work to resolve it. For the same reason, I want my fellow travelers in the healing path not to give up on their chronic problems and instead dig deeper to solve them.

Also note that there is no single technique that is applicable to everyone in the world. What works for one – say a Mudra technique to reduce heart palpitation, may not work for others. They may need Bach Flower Remedies as well Gem remedies. In addition, what works today may not work tomorrow.

Therefore, be open to various healing methods. Have Trust in the one divine power to find out what will work for you today. Surely Divine is waiting out there to help you out.

Good Luck

How and why we need to forgive others

For more detailed explanation on Why we need to forgive others and How to forgive others, please refer the book: “Forgiveness How and Why”, written by Naran S. Balakumar.


I have a problem letting go or forgiving people. Is there any switch word for it?


If you don’t do the forgiving exercise, you will undergo same emotions, even though situations may be different.

If you do not want to meet or interact with same people in future, Forgiving is the only way.

There is no shortcut for letting go the resentment and anger.

Do not act from ego; have higher perception and think that every event in our life is happening as per our desire. Before taking the birth, I want this life with these people to mend my life. But unfortunately after taking birth, we forget our commitment.  When the situation is created as per our desire, instead of learning lessons and moving forward, we get stuck and we refuse to forget or forgive.

What is the one that prevents you from forgiving? Release that and do it.

I Jay forgive you —–(name of the person). You please forgive me and release me. This can be done mechanically without the involvement of the heart.


Do I just have to fill the name or action that upsets me?


 “I Jay forgive you —–(name of the person). You please forgive me and release me”.

Take a person with whom you are angry. Insert his or her name in the space given above. Chant the same for 200 times a day.

Forgiving Exercise

Affirm, “I (your name) Robert forgive you Ashok (replace with name of the person to be forgiven). You please forgive me and release me”.

This can be done mechanically without the involvement of the heart.

Write a list of persons with whom you are angry. Take one person out of that list. Insert his or her name in the affirmation given above. Chant the same for 200 times a day.

Questions regarding Forgiveness Exercise


I have two queries related to Forgiving exercise.

I have too many people to forgive in my life, so please guide me how to forgive them with once for all.

I see my husband is having so much resentment in his life with so many people but he doesn’t try to do any of the exercise to forgive and forget. So is there anything I can do on behalf of him, as it’s affecting my life all the time.


  1. Take a list of all of them. Do the forgiving for all. Take one at a time. Chant 200 times for each.
  2. You cannot do anything for somebody’s sake. What is your predominant thought or emotion when you deal with him? Release that one by one. If one goes, another will come. Release that also.